Monday, March 21, 2011

We arrived in Mongolia....

... and hit the ground running. The day of our arrival (which also means after a grueling 24 hours on the road / in the air), we were shooting major scenes, which were planned for week three! Day two we went to the countryside to stay with Byambaa, Baaskaa and Bennie for four days, after visiting Nasa. Blake didn't get a chance to breath. Not only did he find himself in a yurt, surrounded by Mongolians laughing about his name - Blake, Black, same thing - he got his first taste of how tough Mongolians can be. While driving to Byambaa, we saw a drunken man lying at the side of the "road", frozen stiff, so he had to be hoisted onto our pick up truck, like a sack of potatoes. Watch the cigarette in his hand, also frozen! If we wouldn't have come by, the man would have died, as he was about to fall asleep, thanks to Mongolia's most favorite "mothers little helper", vodka. While I was laughing about it, I also realized once again how easily people die here.

But Mongolians have a dead pan, dry humor. When we arrived in the next zum, the man had defrosted enough to stand on his own feet, yet he still needed to be "unloaded".

He immediately complained that we had driven him the wrong direction, away from UB, which is where he wanted to go. "Helping is good, but you drove me back; now I have to walk again, that's bad!"

Only the strong survive here.

Being in the countryside was blissful, as usual.
Please check back in for more, as there is so much to tell, I don't even know where to start.

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